
Topic: Research/Metrics

Sample Market Research Report For Ladies Shoes

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am running botique and ladies under garments stores for middle income group at a very prime location. I want to start ladies shoes varity in stores.
before starting the Ladies shoes variety i want to conduct market research for understanding the customer demand and gap in market.
I need any questionair / sample research report in this regards.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted

    would love to help - but can you give us a few more details about which town you are, and why you want to start a ladies shoe department (I assume in the same store as the under garments?). Did your current customers asked for it? Many large retailers (e.g. Marks & Spencer) indeed combine ladies shoes with under garments and other departments (eg men and kids clothes), but I am not sure whether you want to increase the spending of your current customers, or attract a whole new clientele. The type of market research I would recommend depends on your objectives....

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Koen is a real professional and knows his stuff. You need to be very clear about your goals, what important question you want the research to address, and exactly what you'll do with the results. What is the indicated action from this research?

    Once you can answer these questions, we can definitely help structure your research.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear Koen Thank you very much for your response.

    Yes I want to increse the spending of current customers, because of customers, after purchasing of dresses from my shops, most of them have to visit shoes shops for matching shoes. I think if I add shoes items in my store it will not only satisfy the current customers but also increase the new clintage.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    In that case, you have easy access to the market research respondents (i.e. your current customers).

    I would first talk to them informally about which shoes they buy, where and for what reasons. Resist the temptation to tell them up front you are planning on opening a shoe department - that is likely to bias the answers in your favor and thus lead you to overestimate the demand. Check out guidelines on how to conduct interviews on the web or in academic papers. Somewhere in the middle of the interview, you can get more specific, asking them how much they would like to buy shoes in the same place they buy underwear - versus a shoes-only store. Does the underwear-shoe association sound positive or negative to them. Finally you can aks whether they would like you to open a shoe department and how it should look like.

    The next phase would be to quantify the potential demand, e.g. in a survey or a conjoint analysis. The previous interviews should give you a good idea about which questions to ask / attributes to select. Especially conjoint analysis is helpful in determining their interest in buying shoes at your store, and their willingness to pay. Making the task as much as possible like the actual decision (i.e. showing them pictures of shoes, using realistic prices, etc) will render the answers more predictive of customer's actual behavior

    Good Luck!

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