
Topic: Strategy

Spring Break Marketing Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We are a new company that wants to take advantage of spring break as the crowd constitutes a major segment of our target market. We have a product called Rolleez( a roll up shoe for women) that they can unroll and walk in after their feet begins to hurt from wearing or dancing in high heels.
It is very affordable and functional. Please We need innovative strategies to capture sales as the place we are renting in south beach costs $200 / day. we believe with the right marketing strategy we can sell enough to make profit.
Features: 1. it is lightweight and water proof 2. comes with an extra bag for them to put their heels into 3. the packaging is attractive. 4. fits into even the smallest purse.
Your recommendations /suggestions are highly appreciated.

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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Well, you are right here is Chicago and very few people spring break here so you need to get it to them before they leave.

    I first saw something like this with but it seems to be growing.

    I'm going to suggest you bombard the travel agency community with this. The do a lot of spring break bookings. A lot of people think kayak and travelocity do, but they are more helpful in low season.

    Also good to put this on and similar sites...if you haven't already.

    You can also target the hotels in spring break towns.

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    What a great idea. You should be at every trade show professional women attend. When I'm on vacation I'm mainly in flip flops, but I'd but I'd buy them for home/work.

    I would market this in your South Beach locale as the mall kiosk stores do. They approach shoppers as they walk by-- come in and try this. Have them showing the product as foldable. I think once you get them in the store, they'll buy.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    If you are going to be selling these in southbeach, I recommend selling them on the street.... at least until the cops tell you to move on.

    It sounds like you are doing this on a shoestring... and if so I might target someplace other than south beach just to hold down your costs. Spring break fills less expensive beaches with your same target audience.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    oh, one other idea, you might "wholesale" these out to other spring breakers. Advertise something like - sell our cool new product and make money on the beach.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you had a budget, consider something like:

    But since you don't, you have a couple of choices:
    * Sign up young woman to get referral bonuses. For example, they could hand out cards with their affiliate # on it to track sales by salesperson.

    * Go where your customers are - outside the popular clubs.
  • Posted on Author
    Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for your kind input.
    I am doing wholesale, bridal, independent sales
    reps etc. I just wanted to take advantage of spring
    We have done our research, ran a test to see if it fits
    our market and it does.

    Thanks again for your time.

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