
Topic: Other

Production Questions For A Homemade Product!

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have several homemade sauces which I want to sell locally in farmers markets and at various outdoor events. Can I pack and label them myself at home and sell them? Do I have to produce these sauces in a special kitchen or in a particular environment? Do I need to have any food standards/hygiene certificates before I make the sauce Where can I buy the packing products i.e. bottles (plastic/glass) and the labels or would it be easier to create labels myself? I am thinking of producing on a small scale to start with. Can I buy and add to the recipe the preservatives and additives that will be required for the sauce myself at home?
Will there be any local health regulations to follow or any state licensing guidelines? Any ideas, advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    The answer depends on where you are. Different countries and in the US, different states have different requirements. Here in Pennsylvania, USA, it depends on how much you produce and sell. Google "requirements for producing and selling food products state, country, filling in your location. Two things will result: First, you will find out the requirements, and second, you will find out the agency governing this. If that doesn't work to answer your question, then contact the government agency that is responsible for food. In the US, it's the Food and Drug Administration.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    If it helps I am in The State of Florida....
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    So a google of "requirements for producing and selling food products in Florida" as I mentioned above yields the Florida Division of Food Safety.

    Under the frequently asked questions, you'll find #4: (

    Can one cook or prepare food at home to sell to the public?

    Preparation of food for sale to the public must be in a facility in which there is complete separation of living quarters from food preparation facilities. The food preparation facility must be adequately equipped and fully satisfy all food facility requirements of Chapter 500, F.S., and section 5K-4, F.A.C.

    As I mentioned, it's best to contact them and discuss your particular situation at: (

    Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
    Division of Food Safety
    3125 Conner Boulevard, Suite D
    Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1650

    (850) 245-5595

    (850) 245-5553


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