
Topic: Social Media

Facebook Quiz For Fan Page

Posted by kathy on 250 Points
What is the best Facebook quiz app to use on a Facebook fan page?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I would say none - I hate those things.

    That said, much depends on the goal of the fan page?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Kathy,

    Before you gather any favorite "apps" ( a term I loathe), ask yourself how many of the friends, followers, or fan page members actually WANT to take part in a quiz.

    If your intent is to engage people, consider doing so through relevant content, through something that's of value to people and NOT through some kind of quiz.

    Unless the results of the quiz give the person taking it superhuman powers, or wins them some kind of cool prize (and I mean something REALLY worth having and NOT some lame $10 iTunes card), skip the whole notion of a quiz and invest time and energy CONNECTING with your audience.

    Probably NOT what you wanted to hear I'm sure, but honest and constructive. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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