
Topic: Strategy

Best Practices For Services Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
My organization provides post-warranty services associated with laboratory instruments (primarily calibration, repair contracts). As we put together our marketing strategies and tactics, what do you consider "best practices" we should follow?

I am looking for both strategy-level insights, as well as practical, tactical approaches to generating demand.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    My previous experience in the mediacl field allowed for great exposure to (and selection of) service technitions for our CBC, Mulit-Chem, UA, HbA1C, Lipidometer, centrifuge, and auotoclave machines, etc in our lab.

    There are several qualities a practice looks for in such service plans that go beyond/dig deeper into the basics of customer service and pricing.

    Please feel free to contact me should you require professional assistance.

    I apologize for not providing more specifics. With regards to this subject, it is hard to do so without sacfricing propietary information used by my corporation.

    However, it may be of some relief to know their is a professional firm available who has direct, "behind-the-scenes" experience/knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    There are many similarities with this and other service contracts (including the ones offered when you buy a new car or electronic equipment). Service contracts sell based a a mixture of convenience and FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt).

    Tactically, you need to sell the convenience. You must offer excellent response times. You must be able to show you have the resources and knowledge to be able to make the repairs.

    You also need to keep in the back of their mind the fact that they need a warranty to keep the amchinery going. The expense of a down machine (lost productivity, cost of repairts, etc.) can be high. This is the FUD.

    A possible strategic step - if you can make an arrangement with the equipment manufacturer to be an authorized service agent for after warranty poeriod, that could give you legitimacy and access to customer lists. Only works if the manufacturers don't have focus on these extended warranties.

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