
Topic: Research/Metrics

Average Time Spent On Brand-created Content Sites

Posted by ipawlowski on 125 Points
Can anyone help me find an industry benchmark for average time spent by visitor on a marketing campaign, brand-created content website?

Think of Kleenex' Get Mommed website, or Burger King's Next Best Move website.

I can find averages for time spent on retail sites or social media networks, but nothing campaign-based.

I want to compare apples to apples: hence, branded websites with similar objective of engaging consumers online with unique content and videos.

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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    It does depend on the age group you target; the following sites gave me useful benchmarks:

    The last one is a commercial site, but it gives the example of the Ford Mustang launch, which falls into your category. By the way, I do not believe the benchmark would be much different for general websites versus your 'branded websites with similar objective of engaging consumers online with unique content and videos'.
  • Posted by ipawlowski on Author
    Hi koen.h.pauwels,
    Thanks for your answer.
    Most of the stats in your links are from 2006, so unfortunately, they are no longer relevant as we know online usage, especially for social media websites and watching videos online has vastly increased since then.

    As for these campaign-based sites not being different from other websites - I'm not sure. That's one of the things I'm interested in finding out. I don't, however, think it's relevant to compare a campaign-based website to Facebook or YouTube. Those websites offer a much wider range of topical content to choose from, whereas campaign based sites are usually more narrow in scope.

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