
Topic: Other


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello Everyone,
I have visited this site on several occasions and decided to sign up as I believe that the information provided is credible and useful.

I have been recently engaged to a beautiful young lady and we plan to get married this time next year. I know that she really wants to have the wedding/reception at the Please Touch Museum, but I cannot afford it. Although she understands, I still want to see if I can make her dreams come true. She has done so much for me and helped me to see that 'love' is more than a four letter, inanimate word, it is a reality.

I have taken some business/marketing classes and was wondering if there was a way that I could write to the exclusive caterers for the Please Touch Museum and ask if they could sponsor our wedding. In most businesses, increasing the bottom-line is priority; so, maybe I could show that sponsoring us would give them more publicity, causing their bottom-line to increase.

I would like to thank you all in advance for your help in realizing my fiancé’s dream. Please have a blessed day!

[email removed by staff]
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Rich, congratulations on your upcoming wedding. And congratulations on doing what you can to make your bride-to-be's wishes come true. You're off to a great start.

    Of course what you're saying is possible, but in my opinion, it's unlikely to happen. There are real out of pocket costs associated with providing the goods and services that you're trying to get for free. Any business owner will ask themself the obvious question, "What's in this for me?"

    If you have a good answer to that question, you might get what you want. And it never, ever hurts to ask!

    Having said that, what do you think the total cost of this event would be? And how many people do you plan to invite?

    Here's a crazy option that you could try...

    Instead of asking the guests to buy you wedding gifts, you could ask them to contribute to the cost of the wedding itself. You could use a site like to process the donations.

    I think if you tell people that you're doing this only to give the bride the day that she really wants, people will be willing to go this route, because you come across as sincere and genuine.

    Good luck with the big day! And let us know if you try this...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    To stretch your budget, perhaps you can have the ceremony on the grounds of the museum and have the reception elsewhere.

    Have you talked to Max & Me Catering to see if they have suggestions for doing the wedding/ceremony "on the cheap"?

    I would encourage you to focus your energies not on the dream of the wedding day but on the beauty of the marriage itself. Perhaps save up your funds in anticipation of renewing your vows at the museum in a few years.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    This is a common post on criagslist. "SPonsor us and we'll give you exposure". Common, not effective.

    If several of your friends were getting married in the next year or so, you might be able to cut a deal if you all committed now.

    Check on and see if there is something similar. You know where to take her for your first anniversary.

    You can also ask your guests to contribute in advance so you can take payments in lieu of gifts.


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