
Topic: Strategy

What To Say And What Not To Say

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
When you are out in market to raise funds what should be the strategy (what to say and what not to say

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  • Posted by michael on Member

    "We'll collapse without your support"
    "We're brand new"
    "We're still working on what we want to accomplish"

    Have a clear mission statement
    Relate what you do to hot topics such as environment, battered women, education, innercity literacy, childhood diseases

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Show and tell them:

    * how much money you need, and what it will be used for;

    * projected monthly income and expenses for at least 2-3 years (until the business is profitable), and quarterly after that, for a period of at least 5 years;

    * what their return on investment will be, how long it will take them to recover their initial investment, and how much YOU stand to make on the deal (and when);

    * what you believe the critical success factors are in your business;

    * which of your assumptions/projections are most likely to happen, and what you'll do if you're off by 10%, 20%, 30% (Can be a sensitivity analysis, or a best-case, worst-case exploration);

    * key elements of your marketing and business plan; and

    * the management team, what they've done before, and why they are the right people for this business.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Don't say, "I've got a bomb and unless---“

    Do say, "Don't bother investing in me, I'm not very good at explaining myself"

    Do come back with a ton more detail and reassure us that this is not homework.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    As usual, Michael has nailed it.

    Sometimes you don't just want money, you want the investor's know-how too. Examine what the investor might bring to the party (apart from cash) and see how that fits with your skills and needs.

    If you want their input, tell them that upfront, and explain why.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all so very much for your valuable feedback Now I definately have a plan to move ahead and would achieve ahat is required from me


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