
Topic: Strategy

Should I Patent My Product And How Do I Market It

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm from India and I have made a unique Boilers for Hotel (Restaurant)Industry & Tea Stall Owners. More over My Boilers can be used in Gymnasiums,Sauna Bath Systems/Spas etc and other users where steam is required.
Should I go for Patent registeration (India ?) and How do I brand it , Advertise it ?
The above product will definitely save on Gas and Electricity.
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  • Posted by jairaj_jatar on Accepted
    Yes, you should ensure you get a patent or a trademark for your unique product. You may also be interested in getting an ISI certification which provides consumers an assurance of product quality. There are costs associated with these certification procedures over the life of the production. Your product will thus be a little costlier than un-trademarked, uncertified products. However, the industries you wish to sell to may appreciate the benefits of your certification.

    Branding and marketing is fully within your control and imagination. Your will have to use the services of a professional advertising agency and (separately) a distribution agency to set up the proper approach to sell the products.

    Jairaj B. Jatar
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer.

    Patents can be very useful to own if you have the funds to apply for one and protect it legally. You may find that your new idea is actually someone else's old idea, which can help you avoid legal headaches. See:

    And if you have something unique, consider by creating a few boilers, have them certified by 3rd party laboratories to ensure safety and validate your energy-efficiency claims, and develop case studies for businesses that would use them.
  • Posted on Author
    I'm delighted with the response from friends,As mentioned in my earlier post about my boiler which can be used in eateries,spas etc,Can anyone suggest further usage of Boilers in any other appropriate industry ?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the response for my earlier post,I had mentioned in my earlier posts about gas/electricity saving Steam boilers for Restaurants/Spas etc, I would like to know of ther industry,fields where steam boilers are used extensively so that it can be marketed appropriately.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Where else steam could be required:

    Food processing plants
    Coffee machines
    Sterilizers in medical applications
    Humidification plant

    Just make sure you don't tell anyone about how the idea works, and don't show the invention around, otherwise you may find it becomes unpatentable.

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