
Topic: Strategy

Launching Of Product

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello there,

We are doing a product lanuch and the product is simple. Its a chair and i'm here looking for some creative theme for the product launch of the chair.

The clients want us to come with loads of creative things. Like the flow of events. It should be an event, from the start of the program to the end the theme should be chairs.
Of course we are doing fashion show were chair is used as a prop. And evolution of chairs will be one more concept.

What I'm looking over here is a very creative theme for the entire flow of event. It should be very touching and more wakey.

Thank You.
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Tell your audience why this chair is so different and special than any other chair. Showcase it in its appropriate setting. (Is it classical and belongs in a dress-up dining area; is it a lounge chair and fits attractively in a home theater or is it super cool and only thrives in a trend-setting office?)

    Is your chair featured for comfort? Invite people to come sit in it. I like the idea of doing a mock fashion show where it's fawned over like a model.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Re-stage the scene from Cabaret where Liza is doing her stage act singing and sitting on the chair backwards...

    Then add Bollywood singers/dancers, all with their own chair... Mindblowing!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What's the positioning? Who is the target audience? Why should someone buy this chair?

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