
Topic: Social Media

New(ish) Social Media Platform - What Is Is Called

Posted by Laila on 50 Points
Hi All,

I recall an article that was published in Marketing Profs a few weeks ago that talked about a social media platform that was getting some good takeup in the USA.

From memory it enabled people to connect according to their location as well as the usual paradigms (existing networks, shared interests etc)

I can't recall the name of it for the life of me, nor can I find the original article.

Can anyone help me?
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  • Posted by Kevin McIntosh on Accepted
    It sounds like a geo-location based service.

    Foursquare is the most popular right now it seems, based on the press coverage, and I think number of users as well.
    Gowalla is probably 2nd most popular.
    Yahoo just purchased a geo-location service this week, I believe.

    However, you can use the geo-location search on Twitter and Youtube so you search for content/users based on location.

  • Posted by Laila on Author
    Foursquare is the one! Thanks for this

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