
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Strategy Required For Best Lot In Cq

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Have an unbelievable lot for sale. 8266 sq.m walk to Yeppoon CBD, huge views adjoins National Park . All services and part of a gated estate. Agents are hopeless and have nothing to compare with or ideas on how to market. Realistically the land is worth approx.$2m
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If normal avenues aren't producing results, then you need to do something differently. First, you need to identify the problem you have: is it the un-built lot, the price, the location, or the value? Are people not calling/visiting or are they somehow not interested in what you're selling at all?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Ooops! Fellow Aussie on the line here..... If there's one thing worse than a New Yorker who thinks the world is bordered by the East River and the Hudson, it's an Australian who thinks we all speak the same language.

    Yeppoon is a town on the Capricorn Coast of Queensland, Australia. CQ means Central Queensland, i.e. not Northern, Not Southern, but stuck in the middle. And yes, on the coast.

    CBD means Central Business District = the same as Downtown (USA)

    Sq. m means square meters. For you lot still working on the Imperial system, that's approximately 90,000 square feet. If it was square, it would be 300 x 300 square feet, or 100 yards square. It's a little over two acres.

    All services means gas, electricity, sewage and town water. Strewth, I never realised how idiomatic Australia Real Estate is!

    Now, what was the question again?
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    And your marketing strategy is to post it on a forum that prohibits postings like this?

    Hmmmm...I wonder if there is anything else about the property that you didn'te know.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Jay is right. Before you dismiss the idea of using a professional realtor, it's important to figure out what is not working. Maybe you've just spoken to the wrong realtors, or maybe your asking price is out of line, etc.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    After searching the online real estate listings it seems there are few blocks of this size available in Yeppoon. You might do better by splitting the block into four or five, and getting planning permits for smaller developments on each block.

    Alternatively, approach large developers like Mirvac to see if they would buy the whole land area for a major village development.

    Typically it seems blocks around the 1600 - 1800 sq m area are being offered around the $400k mark. Maybe 8000 sq m is just too big a chunk for local developers to bite off.

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