
Topic: Strategy

Church Launch: How To Attract Members Via The Web

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi everyone,

My wife and I are planting a church in the Western Cape of South Africa in mid-July 2010...

We have already decided upon the name and I am going to register the domain (.cc - as we imply it stands for "Community Church") within the next few days.

We aim to:

1. Have a website
That will primarily serve as a "launching"- and "marketing" tool to attract people to our "launch" in mid-July. Once we have launched our church, we will obviously update our website to reflect "what you would come to expect of an average church website (content wise I mean).
We want to setup a website where users can interact (talk about our new church) and invite their friends and family to the services. Just think about a website similar to "Obama's Presidential Campaign website" - he gave visitors all they info they required and he had (still has) accounts with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN etc... integrated into his website...

I would also like to have a "countdown" timer in quite a prominent position on our website, to help build excitement and anticipation on the new church launch...

2. Have an "online presence"
on Facebook, Twitter etc. where users can access the latest (up-to-the-minute) news and prayer requests about the church.

Our church is going to be quite modern, therefore our "target audience" is most likely going to be people "18-50".

I know that the things I have mentioned above sounds more like a "business launch" than a "church launch", but one thing pastors (and politicians for that matter) have realised and accepted, is the fact that utilizing technology (the internet) is the best way to keep people informed.

I want to ask whether or not you could point out some things (tips) we could look at when we design our website..Which social networking websites will be the best to use and why? What should our website look like? And any other information you can share will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance :-)
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I live in South Africa. It really depends on where your church will be located and exactly what sector of the population you are targeting. Please bear in mind the majority of the population in SA do not have access to the internet, far less own a computer. Language also needs to be considered and relevant to the area you will be located. So, if you are going for the minority with steady incomes a web site would probably work, however if you are in an area where the population is mainly unemployed etc then the best way to communicate with them is by cell phone (everyone has one of those!!) with a text message.
    Let me know the area and perhaps I can give better input.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Maureen,

    Thanks for the feedback. I just want to clear up my target audience: When I said "modern", I included the ages 18-55, but yes, I did mean 18-35 (but from my meetings with people in the area, even people 55+ have indicated they would visit our church)...

    The church will be in Oudtshoorn: People here do have internet access. Services will be held in Afrikaans & English. Many, many people in my "target audience" use Facebook - that is why I want to setup a website and integrate Facebook into the site, to enable users to interact and get others involved in the launch of this new church.

    I am a web developer and I have access to some great copywriters, therefore the website itself will not be any trouble - I am simply seeking practical ways to get the "hype" going and get people talking about the church. I have thought about a countdown timer on the website...We will also hold some fun events in town, to gain some extra publicity...This is apart from "advertising" in weekly publications, which is read by nearly 35 000 people in the area...

    Thank you in advance for your feedback. God bless!
  • Posted on Member
    Hi, well you are going to a beautiful part of the country where all the ostriches are, which means that in addition to the local population you have the benefit of the area being a popular tourist destination. I still believe the greater part of the community you are going to will not have access to the internet. You will also have the benefit of some large festivals which take place there annually. I would suggest you seek out an NGO (Non-governmental Organisation) which you could link with to create an event which will raise funds for something the community and schools desperately needs. It could even be - since you are a web developer - a competition of sorts which would give a prize of a web site? Tourism is one of their main sources of income in the area, seeking out volunteers to help train and educate the local communities in a skill where they could create an income i.e. start your 'marketing' with a plea for volunteers? I am sure there can't be many web developers in Oudtshoorn.
    Also, from a strategic marketing perspective, always ensure you differentiate yourselves from your competition i.e. why should someone come to your church, what can you offer that is different to other churches in the area. Local newspapers and radio are great sources of 'getting the word out'. But you do need a newsworthy angle, hence the suggestion of the competition and/or link with an NGO. People here still need to be better educated on environmental issues as well and there lies another opportunity to raise funds by setting a world record perhaps - of helping to clean up the surrounding townships? Due to budget constraints, local municipalities would welcome activities which will help benefit their community.
    I hope this helps, and I wish you all the very best for your church in South Africa.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    The thing that I find missing most from church websites is clear statement of faith or "what we believe".

    You often have to dig to find it but that should be very noticeable.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I agree with Rich -- don't overlook the possibility of using Flash or MP4 videos on your site. With some well-done editing, you can make a big impact for very little money! Create your own YouTube channel where you can upload them, then embed them on your website. (YouTube will give you an edge with search engines, too.)

    In fact, you could do an ongoing collection of "the best of" your sermons later on. That might attract people who aren't ready to join the congregation right away.

    Since I'm the resident Webinar Lady here, I'm also tempted to tell you to do some live, free online broadcasts prior to launch of your church. Maybe a series about getting to know the pastor, or getting to know the church itself.

    Best of luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I do not live in South Africa but I do know that here in America the first thing I do when I am looking for a new church is I search online. Actually I am getting ready to move and one of the first things I did was went online to look for Church's in the area.

    The first thing I look for is what their beliefs are. I also look to see what age range of people are attending the church-that can tell you a lot about the church. The second thing I look for is to see what ministries they have. The other thing I look for is videos of the pastor preaching. I like to listen to a couple of sermons before going to the church. I do this because it helps me become accompanied with the pastors preaching style and I like to know what they preach about. I also like to see photos of the people that are there.

    As for promoting, you can go door to door-I am pretty sure you already knew that though. Also if you can get your church's name at the top of the Yahoo! area or Google area search engine that would defiantly promote your church.

    Well, I hope I helped and good luck. I will keep you, your family, and your new church in my prays.

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