
Topic: Strategy

Event Theme: To To Next Level

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

i am currently preparing for our event dubbed as "to the next level" since we are into sales and we need to attract more customers.

when you hear the words to the next level, what comes to your mind? can you suggest whether our event background be like an olympics? car racing? sky diving?

please help me draw out the ideas and strategies to do on this event and other sales promo that can help that can be applied in general.

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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    When I hear "to the next level" I think of business expansion ... perhaps from a regional market to national, or from national to international.

    Subliminally I also think of a significant investment, because you don't normally take a business "to the next level" without a large infusion of cash.

    So now for your event. What I think when I hear "to the next level" is totally irrelevant, unless I am in your prime target audience. You need to figure out who the target audience is and ask THEM what that phrase means to them.

    Surely you didn't pick the phrase without some understanding of the target audience, did you? Why not get your answer from the people who really count?
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I hear the Eye of the Tiger, Shake it Up, that movie theme about the runner-- the Rocky Theme and see him jogging up those steps, or pass out sunglasses and play "my future's so bright-- I got to wear shades".

    The successful promos should be combined with a blitz. It keeps everyone focused.

    I don't know how experienced your sales staff is. But I know a good blitz trainer.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I agree with Phil- interesting point that I completely missed-- think of the metaphor of sky diving-- your going down not up. Free falling, safe but not really in control. Race cars? Spinning your wheels, going around in circles, and only one winner.

    In sales you aren't safe, you have to be in contol, you don't spin your wheels or just run around in a circle-- and more than one can make their goal and be a winner.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Also - moving from coach to business class (or business class to 1st class) and pole vaulting.
  • Posted on Author
    wow, i appreciate all your views on this. It's great to know your bright ideas. I'll go for the olympics theme maybe.

    to give you a background of the event, it's a product, catalog launch. we'll have diferent activities like fashion show, awarding, raffle and motivational speaker talking of success.

    If i use the theme olympics would that matter if it's rainy season now, and the fashion show will expose the rainy season collection?

  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree that Olympics suits the phrase to the next level. But would it be appropriate in a rainy season?
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I see a polevaulter clearing a new record....
    The old wheaties box picture... with a champion out ahead of the pack in a race.

    But I also think of the dozens of sales meetings I have participated in with the same name. In some industries this may be worn out...

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