
Topic: Other

Tool To Create Presentations Online From Modules?

Posted by colleen.swanger on 500 Points
Looking for a third-party online tool that will allow sales to select certain predesigned Powerpoint modules (slides or sets of slides) and assets, assemble a presentation and save it.

We are launching new messaging and want to make putting presentations together easy for sales. Since we don't have the bandwidth on the team to do it for everyone, we're hoping there is a tool to help. Marketing will create base presentations, with "modules" - slides or series of slides - for various products, services, offers. Sales should be able to login, select their modules and other assets (perhaps videos), create their presentation, and save and/or send it.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    There's a guide to a range of online presentation tools here: seems to be one system that might meet your needs.

    If your problem is that the team doesn't have the capacity to build custom presentations for every possible requirement, maybe you might be better off outsourcing presentation preparation based on your key business rules, styles, selling parameters and just have sales people call up 24-48 hours in advance of requiring a presentation to have a PowerPoint specialist put together a custom show which can then go onto a team library on your intranet or at a privately hosted page.

    Depending on where you are, there are likely some KHE experts near you who would be excellent service providers for that kind of work.

    You can post a project request at to invite KHE members to submit a proposal to you.

    Hope that helps.


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by colleen.swanger on Author
    Thanks everyone for all the responses. Here are the ones I found the most relevant (for our business anyway): Content Presentation Assembly

    Thanks again, much appreciated!

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