
Topic: Strategy

Sales Kpi For Sales Analysis To Increase Sales Vol

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi all, I am working as planning monitoring staff in my company. My job is to analyze our sales and distribution department performance.
I am confuse about choosing or making the right KPI to analyze so that department can increase their performance such as sales volume etc.

For information: this company produce dairy product

Would you help me please...

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    there are a number of KPI in the sales side of distribution. Rather than list them all out here, I will just select a few - contact me off line and I would be happy to provide additional information.

    1) First - Gross Margin: what is the margin level at which the product is sold. Less margin means easier selling but less profits.
    2) $ per invoices: the more product you sell to each customer the more profitable. Why? It takes just as long to take an order for 100 cases as it does for 1 case. Same principle applies for A/R, billing, etc.
    3) Productivity per sales person: The best companies sell efficiently, with fewer people making more sales.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I think the obvious KPI is Gross Sales Revenue in addition to the above suggestions from Frank.

    I think it's also worth looking at CAGR because invariably companies are expecting to grow each year.

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