
Topic: Research/Metrics

Free Industry Benchmarks

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Good Morning,

I am developing numerous business plans for our organization. We are trying to diversify our revenue streams. I am looking for a good site that will help me compare industry standards and/or ratios for:

Revenues, Gross Profit, COGS, net profit, etc..

I find it hard to find anything that gives a clear concise report for free. Google, Yahoo, dogpile don't give me anything so if you have a good researching search engine that you used to find the answer to my question that information would help too. Thank you for your assistance and have a nice day.

Warm Regards,

Analyst needing some help
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I doubt that you'll find anything useful without paying for it, and even then I'd be careful about using "industry standards," because every company is different, has different goals and performance standards, and the averages (i.e., "industry standards") are going to be an amalgam of those and almost certainly not relevant for your needs.

    Better if you can figure out what YOUR objectives are, what it will take to achieve those objectives, and what the resulting relevant metrics are for you.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Google scholar helps for eg advertising-sales ratios, but one needs the exact industries you are looking for....
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member

    I see what you mean; eg for quick service restaurants there is a lot of paid research out there eg

    but little free statistics. I found the free QSR report very helpful:

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