
Topic: Strategy

How To Explore New Sales Channels?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How to develop a plan on explore new sales channel and new customers?
How to attract customers to use OUR prouducts and leave our competitors' products?
Our products are to our competitors' but with competitve features that customers may like them, how can I promote this?
Our target customers are at enterprise level but most of them claim to use corporate standard products and do not spend much on evaluating us, how can I break the ice?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Do you have a website I can review?

    We are helping other companies with the same problems you are experiencing. Perhaps we can be of assistance.

    Please direct me to a website or provide more details about your product, customers, etc.

    Thank you!

    --Blaine Wilkerson
  • Posted on Accepted
    Three words -

    Testimonials, Testimonials, Testimonials.

    Get infulencers in the indutsty you want to target to talk about your product and tell others about the benefits.

    They may not believe you, but surely they will believe someone just like themself who has the same problem they have, but has found the perfect solution.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Peter Luk, (from an answer I gave earlier but can be applied to your situation)

    I honestly can not answer all of your questions but I can offer you some very wise advise and some practical steps you can take right now. This approach has made me successful. It has given me uncommon favor in over a dozen industries I have been involved in besides causing me to make huge sums of money.

    "Birds of a Feather Flock Together"

    Review previously sold clients. These organizations that you have currently sold are also connected with others who are like them in some way. They are also your best in roads into other clients.


    when you make it a habit to ask your clients why they bought from you this will also give you keen insight into why they made the purchase. Sometimes you will also learn why they will never buy from you again but don't be dismayed by this. Take your lessons in life anyway you can...even at the cost of your own failures.


    Peter Luk the referal is the easiest way to continue milking your market for all the clients you can get. It appears right now you are not taking "FULL Advantage" of this opportunity. Again you need to milk-it...draw the relationships out of it. If you fail to do this you are working much too hard for your money.

    I know this works...I make "good money" using these methods every day across several different industries. If there is anything else I can do for you Peter Luk please let me know? or click my profile and flick me an email.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Are you there? Please respond to the requests so we can help you.


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