
Topic: Research/Metrics

Global Marketing And Brand Image

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi all,
I am an M.B.A student at Sheffield, U.K. I have a dissertation work to submit for my M.B.A course, I had decided a topic for research that was “How International companies make their brand image in local market?”, but I got feedback that there are a lots of research work already done on this topic so not worth for dissertation. Can you experts help me to find out what other current issues in global marketing are? What all big questions in this area to sort out? If I get a good question in current global marketing, I can go ahead for research on that topic.
Looking forward for you advice.
Vinay Tiwari
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  • Posted on Accepted
    What about the "How international companies CONTROL the dilution of Brand Image due to modern communications - social media"

    This is an issue i've found to be very problematic for companies without a SOLID image (Coca-cola, Nike, etc.) and they are in a process of building or have unfamiliar brand image outside of its operating area.

    With social media these days. Often it gets used in such a way it dilutes the brand image of a company or it can even harm it.

    If you like this as an area to look into. I can share more about what i think are important issues.

  • Posted on Author
    Hi David,

    Yes the idea is looking quite interesting but I am little bit confused, as you said companies like Coca-cola and Nike don't have solid image out side their operating area but I have seen its international brand and they doing good across the world. So could you please explain in detail so that I can understand it properly, or can I mail you to communicate in brief?

  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hi Vinay,

    I would say the answer to your question depends on 2 dimensions:
    1) how local versus global the consumers' tastes are in the country and category
    2) how affordable & accessible the product is for the targeted customer segment

    This are discussed in more detail by McKinsey:

    but would need to be worked out, verified and refined - sounds like a great topic to me

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Koen,

    As much I can understand this looks like market research and comparison between local and global market.. seems quite interesting the comparison and managing strategy accordingly, could you help me to find out more about it..
    I will be very thankful

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear vinayti6,

    What about "Supply constraints, market control, and impacts on pricing and perception"?

    Constrain (and control) the majority of the supply and you control the market. Control the market and your can pretty much fix your own price. Fix your own price and use marketing to create imagined ideals of the way life "Should" be with your product and you have a license to print money. Lots of it.

    Welcome to the world of international diamond trading.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Gary,

    Its really very interesting topic specially pricing control.

    I will be very thankful to you if you can provide more details

    to me I want to learn more about it..


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Vinay,

    You're most welcome.

    For more information on the diamond trade, read Matthew Hart's book "Diamond". It's an eye-opening read.

    You might also want to look into the sub-trade of blood diamonds
    (also known as conflict diamonds). But be warned: any study of blood diamonds comes at a price: with its fair share of gut wrenching tales of kidnapping, murder, amputations, enslavement, and betrayal of, in certain cases, whole generations and entire countries.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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