
Topic: Strategy

Promos On Pricey Products

Posted by wendys on 250 Points
I'd like to do a month long promo on a group of items from a particular brand. The problem is these are fairly expensive items (upwards of $300). So the question is how do you entice customers to buy more of high priced items? I'm looking for a unique promo-- like a contest, theme, or premium-- but it seems like I'm limited to doing a price reduction. Thoughts?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    A price reduction is going to indicate that the product is overpriced to begin with. And you're not likely to reduce the price to where it's considered mid-priced anyway.

    So your best bet would be a gift-with-purchase or a purchase-with-purchase, or perhaps a charity tie-in. If you have a well-known celebrity you can enlist, then perhaps a promotion involving them.

    Anything to avoid that costly and image-ruining price discount.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I think you need some training. If all you can think of is reducing price -- you are missing the boat. There are a lot of books on creating value that don't rely on discounting--check them out. You'll appreciate the training and insight. I'm not being critical, we've all been there.

    People are spending big bucks today on everyday items when they see the value. I am contemplating a new mattress. Every store has sets in the 8-10K and beyond. Even where I am, Central Ga, with double digit unemployment and some dirt poor people.

    In fact, some people are driving cars more expensive than the value of their house. Why? Cause in Central GA, there is a big truck thing. The house is falling down but they got one heck of a ride. As long as they get the financing (that is the hook) My husband works with a woman who was psycho over her husband. They got an insurance check for hail damage-- and instead of replacing the roof that is leaking and destroying their home-- he spent it on a brand new ride.

    Take Tempurpedic. No retailer is allowed to discount it The retailer told me look online, look to buy off the company website, look at his store. Buy from who you like cause the price won't change. So what do they sell, the value they add.

    I'm hardly rolling in it. But it's on my short list and will be looking to do it. (low end -- for them, a $2500 set). Cause I see the value of not waking up every morning going "ouch ouch ouch". And if the guy is good, he can upsell me. Or try to. I want to be sold. I want to feel that kind of kaching will give me value and feel good about writing the cheque vs buyers remorse.

    I'm not buying a place to sleep. I'm buying a few less ouchies in the morning. Why aren't I buying today? No call to action-- no urgency. The salesperson can't discount but he can give me free pillows, free setup and haul away-- for a limited time.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Great post from Carole again :))

    Carole, when will you be publishing your first book on sales and marketing ?

    Even better; let's build an internet coaching programme with you as the lead coach to train people on sales and marketing (on and offline).

    I am sure that 'wendys' will buy.

    Wendys, please never use the word 'pricey' It is a YUK nasty non no word.

    Expensive is all a matter of perspective.

    Is an ipad expensive at $300 ?? I think it is bloody cheap.

    For many years I was in the fine wine business and I regularly sold bottles of wine at upwards of $1,000 for ONE bottle.

    Of course we sold mostly by the case, not individual bottles.

    You wouod be suprosed how manmy of our buyers found our prices very reasonable.

    It is all a qustion of perspective.

    You need to change your head :)

    Don't think like a sales person - think like a buyer. Try to understand what a potential buyer is thinking and feeling.

    If you are talking to hte wrong trget merket, then go out and fine where the right target market is.

    ANd always remeber that those who have money to spend - ALWAYS have money to spend regardless of the underlying economy.

    Good luck


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