
Topic: Strategy

Wine Marketing In India

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Greetings everybody, this question is regarding devising the marketing strategy for wines in India. Please note that Indian Government does not allow any promotion of alcohol in any way. Therefore, i would request some ideas to create brand visibility for the consumers.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    If as you say the "Indian Government does not allow any promotion of alcohol in any way" and you are asking for help to promote a particular brand of alcohol - are you perhaps answering your own question?

    You may need to find some way around the law.

    In the 1990s in S E Asia Benson and Hedges was faced with a restricted environment for tobacco advertising. They started a very upmarket cafe called B & H Gold - there was one in KL. The cafe sported the B & H Gold branding prominently. So perhaps starting a wine bar which features your brand prominently might be an acceptable way around the legislation?

    I would get your prospective initiatives thoroughly checked out by a local lawyer before starting to invest anything - you wouldn't want to build a facility and then discover it's illegal to operate it!
  • Posted on Accepted

    I can suggest you some points which you can pick up as per your suitability.

    first you decide your Market segment and geography.

    Ways of promoting....

    Have some band shows organized in Pubs and dance bars. Best location would be bangalore, Goa etc...

    You can approach Malls as they are coming up separate sections for liquir. You cna run some promotions there. It will cover huge amount of customers......

    Plan out for some promotion in association with some retail chain or liquir store chain.

    one more thing --- Hit the customer's mind directly. Run promotions like Happy hours all day long.. htis will help you distributr your product and let customer drink, this will build their taste as well.

    IN last the most expensive and the common one, launch a music album or make a band, conduct some music events, you will get maximum visibility, But check on one thing - customer is not going to taste your wine in this case... you have to make them buy it, this may be restrict customer for some time as consumer behavior waits for the response from others......

    All the best


  • Posted on Author
    thank you so much for your suggestions. Any ideas on how to promote a brand in B2B, as in how do i get a restaurant or a hotel to buy my wine in a cost effective manner
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Ajay,

    i would recommend the other way approach for this. You better doa collaboration with the hotels or loungs. Try run some promotion in association with them and try generate the taste of teh drinker.

    See, i am more emphasizing on building the taste in the customer. Once you will achieve this, then customer becomes the king... and the entire empire prefers to lure the king by serving the wine of his taste.....

    I am also convienced with the fact that what is seen is sold..... but the another fact which is living with your brand is the highly competitive market, more estabilished players in this segment and on top of it a niche customer... Not every second tom dick and herry drinks wine.... My dad is been drinking whiskey from past 35 years. He hardly had a bottel of wine.... and this is not the only example. the majority of drinkers in india doesn't even know how the wine should be consumed....

    So i would emphasize more on building the taste rather then just approaching the traditional marketing approach of offering less price to the hotels / loung.....

    Hope this will help you

    Nishant Manchanda
  • Posted on Author
    hi nishant,

    your suggestions are very practical but the consumer loyalty in India is not so great. The volume sales comes from the low prices wines and that does not generate profit for the company. i would request you to suggest me some ideas on creating such a demand that the hotels & restaurants buy that wine because the consumer demands it.

    Should i go for a tasting at some wine shops in malls in Delhi ??

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