
Topic: Strategy

Hairstylist In Trouble

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I posted a few months back and and I appreciate the helpful comments . Although if I may I need a little boost. To refresh...4o year old hairstlist, In this business 10 yrs . Went through a tough time in life personal touble leaked into business (due to my big mouth) so I lost friends and clients due to a affair by me that ended my marriage. Than 3 months after divorce was asked to leave the salon I was at, I was accused of using products not belonging to me... causing me to change salons only a mile away but I lost more clients. My old salon refuses to tell people where ive moved to so that s been a struggle. So now , present day... I m doing better I was taking some college classes i quit to focus on career. That put s me in salon more. I mailed out to some old customer I lost some coupns, not one response. I call old customers weekly, got three or four back that way. But I m still struggling, I just sat down and wrote a list of clients I have and clients i lost I ve lost more than I have. With a tarnished reputation, and my old church was the one I attended with husband, ive yet to find a new one, my kids not being involved in sports anymore leaves me little networking. Facebook I do use. I have highs and lows ambitious weeks than I wanna give up weeks. Prices are fair and reasonable Im kind and bend over backwards for the customers I have, I don t know how to REALLY make myself stand apart in this small town where there is a salon on evey corner. Especially when I m unsure of myself, and wonder what gossip the person in my chair has heard about me. I ve attended some classes and advertised that it didn t make much difference..... so I m asking again for your infinite wisdom . Can this be done?? Both rental 117.00 a week . Demograohic small town the most I charge for highlights and color 55 to 60 bucks. I sometimes just say thats it i need a paycheck my boyfriend pushes me to fight for my career. help me
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  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your suggestion. I am typing this through tears. I want to be an independent woman and take care of my kids and I m just so confused about the road to take. My boyfriend is pushing to stay in hair business and i know where he s coming from , but his 14 year old daughter stopped letting me do her hair FOR FREE and her mother takes her and pays high dollar for it than they will OF COURSE post it on facebook, which advertises foe someone else...and he don t see how that s hurting my business. It make s me look bad!!
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you:) so so much
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Karen we do have a place here in town that s basically free therapy but my x mother in laws the only therapist there :(
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Always good to go back & re-read some of the last suggestions. My current one is that you stay the course and don't be bothered that it progresses happens.

    Take this in the kind way I mean it: A boyfriend is just that. He's not a spouse who has made a commitment to you. Advice should be taken with the same level of commitment.

    Clearly you are in a difficult spot and trying to show your kids that they can depend on you.

    Keep some cards with you wherever you go. Hand one to the cashier at the gas station when you pay for your gas....yes, don't pay outside. Give one to the crossing guard as you send your kids off to school. If people come to you, it means they don't care about the allegations.

    You can do this, but please put as much effort into building a support system as you do into your business.

  • Posted on Author
    michael thanks,
    i do the card thing religiously!!
  • Posted on Author
    I want to be independent and that s my goal right now. I am wonderful to the customers i do have and I m always trying to think of ways to reward them for sticking with me. I m very positive at work even as hard as that happy face can be somedays i do it. I ve lost a home a car half the time with my children half my business my reputation, friends , respect , but I keep on going, and smile while doing it.
  • Posted by Nicole Klein on Accepted
    Tonya, there are probably alot of women who are going through tough times like you (divorce, lost jobs). One of the first things they cut out is money they invest in themselves and their appearance. Maybe there's a way to give back...really inexpensive services for them (cheap or free) in exchange for some referrals of customers who aren't in such a bind. Though keep in mind it will be tough not to sob and commiserate, you mustn't do that. But you can support by doing what you do best. Maybe you can even brand yourself "Tough Enough" and build your business around making women feel good about themselves, confident in their appearance. Tough Enough to face life head on again.
    Good luck...we're all rooting for you! Oops...reminds me, gotta get my roots done! ;-)
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    You would certainly benefit from the unbiased, truly independent viewpoint a professional counselor, psychologist, life coach and business mentor could provide. And you may not get all that from one person - you may need several.

    Family may provide their own points of view, but unless they are professionally qualified and extremely successful in their own right you should not attach too much weight to their opinions.

    You say you had personal troubles you took to work. I sympathise, truly I do, but I do not condone wallowing in self pity either.

    Couple of points:

    1. Relationships fail. Everyone, including you and the congregation at your church, need to get over it and move on. If the entire community where you live can't forgive and forget (what, church folk who cannot forgive???) then perhaps as an absolute last resort, and then only after an effluxion of some considerable time and appropriate professional advice, you could consider moving on and a fresh start elsewhere.

    2. Personal problems do not belong in the workplace. I've always tried to encourage staff to leave their problems at the door when they arrive for work. If I come to you for a haircut, as part of the process I want to feel uplifted in both body (a better looking head) and soul. So don't weigh me down with your problems, buoy me up with your positivity. If you have not one iota positivity to exude to others, shut up while you cut my hair - just play some nice music instead. If your personal problems are so bad that you cannot work, then take time out from the workplace to sort yourself out.

    Small town communities can be very difficult, and sometimes hypocritical too. Your story reminds me of the song "Harper Valley PTA". ( for more info)

    In closing: Everyone is allowed to make mistakes. It's not that you make them, it's how you recognise them and deal with clearing up the mess you make that defines your integrity as an individual.

    Best of luck with your career-rebuilding endeavours.

  • Posted on Author
    such great uplifting advice. Made me tear up . My emotions are a mess sorry. Chris say you did get a haircut i wouldnt bring up my mess of a life i would nt start it buttttt if u were a woman say a client ive done for years and she knows my story she ll bring it up and of course i will vent. it s hard not to. But Ive learned to down play it lately and ive done better, so when they ask I will change the subject and that usually works. But i know I caused alot of people to stop cooming due to drama. I got control of that now pretty much... you guys are great thank you all for rooting for me do u know that feels great when you feel the worlds against ya.THANK YOU. One day at a time.I got this... lovessss
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you need to vent, do it in a personal journal or privately with friends. As a customer, I want a great experience, not a therapy session.

    To change perceptions, focus on the leaders in your community: perhaps the wife of a pastor, the local woman-owned business, etc. Do what it takes to do their hair, and win them over. But only do this if you've turned over a new leaf, not bitter, just totally focused on future success. It's a high-profile move, that you (probably) won't get a second chance at.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    excellent advice above.

    In addition, I suggest that you read. Some of my personal favorites (I guess I'm showing my age) are "the power of positive thinking" by Napoleon Hill and "how to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

    I suggest that you follow advice above about keeping your problems out of your workplace. Back when I was in business, a fellow cut my hair and would always ask about how my business was going, and patiently listen. He never once bored me with information about how his business or his life was going. Keep your conversations focused on your clients. Ask questions about their lives and struggles.

    Is there something that you can do for extra money, in addition to cutting hair?
  • Posted on Accepted
    Let me share a story with you. I've a neighbor who is a middle-aged lady, she lost her long-time job due to retrenchment. But she picks up hair-cutting hair skills after that, she started with no shop, no capital, no network and no help.

    Today she is a proud owner of 2 salons with a team of 15 staffs. How did she do it? She started by going to old folks homes and places where the seniors had mobility problems, she offered free hair cut. She also visited charity centers and sometimes offer cheap haircuts for neighbor too. Then word of mouth spread, she then went on house-to-house visit to do haircuts for seniors and children.

    She slowly built up her reputation and when she gained enough confidence and capital, she started a shop. She then employ more people to help her as she couldn't manage as she is now very popular among the old and young.

    Hopefully you can learn something from the above story. Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Inspiring messages Thank You. I have thought of maybe cleaning some homes or selling on ebay for extra cash but if I get side tracked I may not focus as hard on building this back up. Ebay selling would take the least time and probably would be a good thing for me to do. The traveling hairstylist idea I have thought about and is a good idea I will look into.
    It s hard for me to look at myself in the mirror its just a struggle.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Your story tugged at my heart as I can sympathize with your situation, I was in a similar spot a couple years back, and I too, own my own business.

    Let me just say this, even though you've probably heard it a million times; this too shall pass. It doesn't seem like it, but it will. A little distance of time can do amazing things. And believe me, you may be the one that is having a hard time getting past this. You may already be "yesterday's news" to most folks. There is always going to another bit of sensationalism or gossip that will dim the spotlight on you. And for those that do bring it up, the previous posters were right on ... just explain that you've past all that ... let's talk about today!

    If you know God, then you also know that this needs to be given to Him. Ask for forgiveness and let the guilt go. It will be the death of you, if you don't.

    In the meantime, please don't focus on why your business has failed so much as what you can do to make tomorrow better. There is no reason why you can't focus on building your business as well as learning a new trade or skill.

    And everyone else is correct ... seek professional help if you can. You will be amazed at what a difference this can make.

    And sorry, YOU come first. Not your boyfriend's wishes or anyone else's.

    Take good care. You are not alone.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank You you again... love the uplifting words . i had a great day at work got two new clients and I m feeling good tonight.Tomorrow also looks great my book s full. Who needs to seek therapy when I have you guys!!! nah you are I will seek someone to talk too....

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