
Topic: Strategy

Pickling And Salsa

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We started selling Salsa, Roasted peppers, etc at a local gathering that happens 1 time a year. After being there set-up for 2 wks the health dept came and told us we could not sell anything pickled. So we pulled all the pickled things. Then the following week they came again and told us to pull everything the sale roasted dilled etc. We were making 250-300 a day.How can I get my jars inspected or what do I have to do to get this approved for selling
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Couple options.

    Ask the health person at the health department for an explanation and then a recommendation. I only say that because that pretty much guarantees you won't have a problem if they recommend it.

    Check with other vendors where they are having theirs canned.

    I've used Thomas Register to find lots of companies to do work for clients


  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    While we are happy to offer suggestions and share our own experience, this really isn't the ideal place to ask your question.

    You see, we are marketing folks, and what you are asking doesn't really have a lot to do with our area of expertise.

    If and when you solve your problem and you're back in business, let us know and we can probably help you market your products more efficiently and effectively.

    And the comments from Randall and Michael seem right on to me. But then, what do I know about this kind of stuff?
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    It's not marketing but fortunately there are a few people here who have been through the same issues.

    Take the bull by the horns.

    Ring the health department of your local city council and ask for the code for food production premises.

    Follow the requirements to the letter.

    Call them back in for an inspection, and you should wind up with a certificate entitling you to process and pack food.

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