
Topic: Strategy

Adding Value To Marketing Planning

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Dear All,

How can one create a value added dimension to marketing planning?

Kind regards
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    First, define what the marketing planning function entails in a given organisation or range of organisations.

    Next, figure what else would be useful to add to the function, that is associated with it.

    It's not about giving a free set of steak knives to each marketing planning client, it's more about: "Here's the plan, by the way you could also do this, this or this (the range of value-adding options) as well which would give x return..."

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Your question is kind of vague. Do you mean adding value to the planning process itself? Or are you asking about planning for some value-add for customers that you can build into the offering?

    If the latter, we probably need to know what industry/product category, and what the ultimate objective is. And, of course, it would be good to know who the prime target audience is and what THEY would consider "value added."
  • Posted on Author
    I appreciate your feedback, guys and completely agree with you. One of the reasons I posted this question as I could not clearly define my scope of work and asked my teacher to clarify it: One of the suggestions was to answer the question from general perspective and secondly,this question is supposed to be a bit challenging! The overall subject provides some frameworks with regard to marketing planning. What you need to do is to think about the terms ‘value’ and ‘value added’ and what you can do with in terms of creating value in marketing planning.

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