
Topic: Social Media

Using Linkedin For Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I was just wondering if someone has successfully used LinkedIn for B2B lead generation or other marketing activities.

If so, which LinkedIn features are you using and what do you suggest are the best ways for utilizing LinkedIn within a corporate B2B marketing strategy?

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  • Posted by Kevin McIntosh on Member
    I suggest the "Advanced Search" feature that LinkedIn offers for some very precise targeting. Remember, it's about building relationships - you can't pull someone all the way through the marketing funnel in one online conversation.
  • Posted on Author
    Good point. Thanks for the tip.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi - I have found that over time people are contacting me more frequently for advice and checking out my profile. I try to answer questions. I also have my profile set up with a lot of keywords about what I do and I have integration with my blog, twitter and slideshare. Be authentic....don't try too hard. What I mean is contribute interesting ideas and content. Don't create meaningless info and don't start adding people you don't really know.
  • Posted by avi_wener on Accepted
    I use the news feed feature to let my linkedin groups know about new articles on my blog. It is important to make sure the info is relevant to the specific group but it often does generate discussion points.
  • Posted on Member
    I have downloaded and browsed my whole LinkedIn level 2 network (35 000+ contacts) and I am browsing the new contacts every other week, it gives me new leads all the time, very easy to contact. Took me some time the first time I got it all but now it takes me very little time to spot interesting leads in the updates (I am looking for very specific type of companies).
  • Posted on Member
    Hello Marc,

    How did you manage to download all your level 2 LinkedIn contacts ? I think I know how to get all my direct connections into a file but I don't know how to get all the level 2 contacts ? I would appreciate the tip.

  • Posted on Member
    It's not a feature of LinkedIn, you have to use a third party service. There are several companies out there that provide this service. I am currently using Smart Bees (, they have been very helpful so far. I believe they specialize in extracting the list of level 2 contacts of linkedin like networks. Hope it helps.
  • Posted on Member
    The DirectAds Pay Per Click advertising on Linkedin has also been good for us. We have seen lower costs than search engines and good conversion on the leads.

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