
Topic: Research/Metrics

Reputable Market Research Firms

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
I'm looking for a (somewhat exhaustive) list of reputable market research firms.
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  • Posted by eric.levy on Accepted
    Since you didn't say for what purpose, or whether you want this in the US, North America, Worldwide, etc., I'll assume you want US and all full service marketing research firms.

    There's really no good gauge of reputable, other than getting client references from each.

    I'd start with the American Marketing Association's list of marketing research companies, and you might cross-reference that with the list on

    The AMA's pretty exhaustive US-centric list is found at: is a service of the New York Chapter of the AMA, but is considered a terrific reference. You can find that listing at:

    If you'd like to refine your question a bit more, feel free to email me for more info.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry for being vague. Yes, I'm interested in firms with a presence in the US.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What's this list for? If it's for your personal use, why "exhaustive?" What is the intended use of the list?

    Depending on what you really want, I may have a few very good market research contacts. But an "exhaustive list" seems like you might have some commercial use in mind.

    Let us know what the purpose of your request is and we'll help.
  • Posted on Author
    I'm just trying to get an exhaustive list, so I can look through them, and figure out which ones to apply to. I recently graduated with my master's degree in economics, and I'm thinking about starting a career in market research. By the way, when I said exhaustive, I didn't necessarily mean that I wanted each person to chime in with an exhaustive list, but rather just have numerous people give a few recommendations each. Anyway, I'd love to hear the firms you had in mind mgoodman. Thanks in advance.
  • Posted by jstiles on Accepted
    Some firms specialize in certain fields, industries and methodologies. You may be better off finding those that interest you. Until then a few names to get you started.

    Burke, Forrester, Nielsen, Polk, Simmons...
  • Posted on Accepted
    J.D. Power and Associates
  • Posted on Author
    mgoodman: I'd love to hear your recommendations. As stated above, it's for personal/professional use, as opposed to commercial use.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted

    Joining this conversation later, I agree with Eric that the AMA list is pretty extensive, but also with Michael that it all depends on your purpose. For instance, my area is marketing metrics, Return on Marketing Investment and dashboards, and I have enjoyed working with:

    Marketing Productivity group
    Marketing NPV
    Market Share Partners

    all of which may be too specialized to get into a general list....

  • Posted on Author

    If you have any other recommendations similar to the 3 above, I'd love to hear them. I looked up those firms, and given my somewhat technical background, I feel they might be a really good fit.

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