
Topic: Other

Need An E-commerce Pkg Incl Subscription Component

Posted by steve.lassoff on 250 Points
Looking for an e-commerce system that has a subscription component. Been looking online and see that there are many choices, like everyone else I am looking for the best one. Prefer a web based user friendly system that either has or is easily connected to an accounting package. Would be extremely helpful if the company offering the package offered an email and call center.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    Which ones have you already looked at and decided they would not meet your needs? What was your reasoning?

  • Posted by steve.lassoff on Author

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my request.

    I am still doing that comparison of the different packages. I have never done this type of comparison and am unsure of my ability to pick the appropriate one.

    From my experience of running a yahoo store for 10 years inadequacies came up gradually so I was hoping to gain some knowledge from someone who has used different packages and already has discovered some faults that made the package unusable or in other cases at least felt the positives outweighed the negatives.

    I know there isn't a "perfect" system so I am just trying to find one that is better than most.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Some people recommend for general product categories.

    Also, for arts and crafts there is
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Also, here's a guide that may help. Sorry, I do not any experience with any the these solutions, so cannot recommend.
  • Posted by steve.lassoff on Author

    Thanks for your help. I will check out the links you posted.

  • Posted by steve.lassoff on Author

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question. The question may have been to subjective or not really within the expertise of the members of this group.

    I am brand new to marketingprofs and this is my first post. So please excuse me since I didn't award any points but from my understanding since I didn't receive a complete answer I am not "supposed to" award points.

    I will continue my search.


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