
Topic: Research/Metrics

Annual Volume Of The Hospitality Seating Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is the annual volume, in U.S. dollars, of the contract hospitality seating industry. This would include sales to hotels, resorts, restaurants, golf clubs and assisted living institutions. Items would include sofas, sleepers, lounge chairs, desk chairs, banquette stack chairs, dining chairs.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    interesting question, but why do you want to know? Are you assessing market potential for your company or doing a student project?

    We'd like a bit more context and detail with your question, please
  • Posted on Author
    As a manufacturer in the hospitality industry I would like to know what the expected total market share is for seating. Now, this is fragmented between many different types of seating, as indicated in my request, but generally speaking, this is going to be upholstered seating.

    I hope this helps to provide direction.
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    It appears that your question might be better posed to someone at Their magazine is a super source for info about the intricately meshed meetings/conventions/hospitality industries.

    Best of luck,

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