
Topic: Social Media

Case Studies For Limited Release Products

Posted by kylehawke on 250 Points
Does anyone know of good case studies that discuss how a company used social media in the case of a limited release product?

Any case studies that cover using social media to build anticipation, manage allocation or promote distribution would be great. Even if it's not a complete case study, just an example would be helpful so that I can research it.
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  • Posted by Kevin McIntosh on Accepted

    Can you give more info? Consumer? b2b? sector/industry? Do you have an existing customer base already (email database)? Do you have bricks & mortar or strictly online?

    Thank you.
  • Posted by kylehawke on Author
    @Kevin - Yes sir. Spirits (alcohol) industry. It's B2B in the sense that the release will be to bars/stores. There is still a B2C component if the consumers can pull it through the supply chain, but that is much more limited in this case. We have a small customer database (hundreds) and a growing social media following (thousand).

    Any thoughts that this stirs up are appreciated.

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