
Topic: Research/Metrics

Customer Loyalty Programs

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

Does anybody know about any customer loyalty programs that are run successfully? I have already searched google and I am still doing that. I need to produce a report on successfull loyalty programs in youth segment for my boss. So please try and list down as many programs you have heard of as possible. I have to submit it by day after tomorrow.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hundreds of successful customer loyalty programs: Tesco, Marks&Spencer, .... To narrow it down, please define what you mean by:

    1) success
    2) youth segment (which age range?)
    3) preferred country and category

  • Posted on Author
    1) successful in term like it had proved profitable to the company
    2) youth would be the age segment of 18-27 years
    3) as such i'm not defining any boundations on the country specific regions but lets say for a premium product..

    hope that i may have cleared my points..

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The best loyalty program of all is to WOW! customers at every touchpoint.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    Here in Turkey, both Cafe Nero and Starbucks have loyalty programs that do keep young customers locked-in; i.e. they will continue patronizing one despite the fact that the competitor is literally next door. It is your typical 'buy 10, get one free' loyalty program, with speed benefits for the highest spending customers (fast checkout with the card).
    While I do not have the numbers, I believe it is profitable for the companies as:

    1) it does increase sales as I observe
    2) at a minimum monetary cost
    3) it reduces price competition as each company has its loyal followers unlikely to check out prices next door

    Hope this helps

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