
Topic: Research/Metrics

How Important Is Csr For Businesses?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hello to everyone,

As part of my Bachelor Thesis, I am researching the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in marketing/advertising agencies and how the CSR understanding and the credibility of its communication differ among cultures.

Below you will find a link to an online survey. Completing this survey will only take 7 minutes (19 questions) and of course, your responses are absolutely anonymous and will be treated confidentially.

I would very much appreciate your participation.
Thank you.

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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    not sure your question is in the right i feel compelled to give you some advice on your survey:

    1) asking personal info upfront is a no-no: first interest us and gain our trust, then ask for personal info
    2) i am afraid the study will not yield useful results on the extent that firms care about CSR; there are just too many demand effects due to the focus on CSR. In your question 5, i would have respondents divide 100 importance points among the options

    good luck

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