
Topic: Research/Metrics

Best Sources Of Consumer Demographic Info.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi, Im looking for what you feel are the best sources of consumer demographic information and lists when developing a marketing plan for a local retail business in the US.

What I need is the most accurate and reliable list vendor (I guess) that can help identify households by income, number of children etc. within a zip code or suburb.

Anybody have any experience with Info USA or have any better suggestions.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Hi, I have a lot of experience with info USA. They seems to provide the best deals for large lists of fine tuned demographics.

    However here are a few more sources I use :

    Here's a list of several brokers/list managers to contact (in no particular order of preference):

    Mal Dun Associates
    J.F. Glaser
    Leon Henry Inc.
    L.I.S.T. Inc.
    DMG Lists

    Also check out the web site for Circulation Managment magazine It should have links to other list brokers in a resource section. Folio magazine site might also be useful (I think). Both are magazine oriented, but lists are lists.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    If you're really looking for just demographic info (not specific addressess for mailing lists), you might look at what's online at .

    The price is right!

    Shelley ;]
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks all. Shelley, I went to the census website and got a lot of info. I didn't know that so much was available. I wish I could break it down by zip code.

    Thanks again.

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