
Topic: Research/Metrics

How To Locate Businesses With Customer Lists...

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Is there a database are a site that I can go to to track down whether certain companies have a customer mailing/email list, and maybe the number of customers on that list? thanks.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted

    Rather unusual question....what do you want to use it for? Are you trying to come with an average number across firms or do you want to benchmark your own number?

  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    Typically a mailing list is the bread and butter of a company - on which they've spend time, efforts and money.
    Somewhat unlikely that companies would simply tell you about their lists.

    If this is for purely statistical research, try contacting emailing companies, like Constant Contact, Mailing Monkey, Feed-runner..... and ask they if they could provide you with anonymous statistical information

    If you're looking to build / use emailing, there are companies specialized in that. At a price pr email.

    B2B Marketing

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