
Topic: Strategy

Press Kit Idea For County Fair

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hello All: I'm looking for a creative way to package the press kits we send out for our county fair. Typically the kits would contain press releases (hard copies and electronic versions) for all entertainers at the fair as well as any necessary logos, material, schedules, etc. We usually include a few SWAG items like t-shirts, buttons, etc. as well. Typically it's included in a folded, nothing fancy. I'd like to do something more unique this year. Our theme is "Imagine That" with various "sub-themes," if you will. Any ideas our guidance would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Well, county fairs often involve farm animals and such. If yours does, how about adding a picture to the front cover of the folder with the "Imagine That" headline with some photo of a cow with a chicken's head pasted on it or something like that? Or if there is some animal or vegetable which your county is know for, maybe a photo of it blown up to look 10x as large as normal with a person standing next to it (e.g a person standing next to a 10 foot long ear of corn).

    The image cane be made in Photoshop or similar, and can be printed on full page stickers and then laid on the folder cover (which would keep costs down).
  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    what about placing your on a map - google or similar, with a X - far enough to make it blurry, close enough to have people know where it is, with the tag line "Imagine that ??"
    - reproduced on the cover of the kit
    - reproduced on a one sheet questionnaire
    - reproduced on the first T-Shirt send out

    asking them "what they would "imagine" for your fair to be about. Yet providing them with a list of already existing activities - yet missing logo and tag line. Then their replies could be the main theme of the fair
    Secondly, send a second T-shirt "guess what" (including date + place)
    Final T-Shirt with a captive image, based on 1st round propositions + pr + formal paper invitations + wrist band + parking pass

    B2B Marketing
    email me for all the ideas not listed in this message....
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    How about a popup card/invitation (such as: to show what you're imagining the event to look/feel like?

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