
Topic: Social Media

Uploading My Videos To Facebook Page

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a popular personal fb page from which I get many clients. I am a writer and have created some videos too. I am creating a fb fan page and uploaded a video for a test. A couple months back when uploading a video directly to facebook, there was a link inside the video in upper left corner that said "like my page". It was automatically in there once uploaded. Now I do not see that link anymore. Does anyone know if facebook has removed this option for people to like your fan page from inside your uploaded videos (not other people's videos, but the one's you create yourself)? If not available, is it possible to create a live link inside my videos to my website or fb fan page? thanks
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Someone who either knows the answer, or can find out, is Andy Jenkins, a graduate of New York Film School (of NYU?). His website is The problem is that he is currently launching a product to teach people how to create their own website videos. He had about 3,000 comments to his lead-in sales videos for the launch. That is a lot of noise to get past. If you can figure out which Andy Jenkins he is on Linked-In (bound to be a couple of hundred listed), that might be a way to reach him.

    Alternatively, try asking some people who instruct video, or teach about social media marketing, at a local college.

    Regards, JH
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you JH for your response. I''m not sure that is the route for me to go, but I do appreciate the time you took to answer. Have a great day.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    I've not seen this embedded over the video, but it's currently shown below my videos, for example:
    May 23 at 11:38am · Like · Comment

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I am not a Facebook expert, but seems you are right about the video not showing the Like button. I just watched a video from a non-profit/cause site, and it didn't have the Like button. But when I clicked the link for the video poster's name, it brought me to a site that allowed me to Like the page.

    My suggestion would be to embed the Like information in the video description. Something like: "If you like this video and want to see more, Like us at" and then put the Facebook URL for your page.

    Seems that Facebook is constantly making small changes (which can be rather annoying), so perhaps they will change again and this won't be necessary.
  • Posted on Author
    I have found the answer to my question on fb. However to close the question I need to accept and answer and award points. Thanks everyone who took the time to answer this question.

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