
Topic: Other

Campaign Advisory Components

Posted by alayne on 25 Points
I am about to launch several campaigns through our new marketing automation platform and want to provide visibility into these campaigns to others in the company in the format of a "Campaign Advisory" (a document that will be shared with them to give them a basic understanding of the campaign).

What should I include in this "advisory" - or is there a better way of doing it?

My ideas so far:
of course the who, what, when, where, how, why
goals of the campaign in terms of open rates, click through rates, opportunity conversion rates
a later section for results

all input is appreciated!
kind regards, alayne
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  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    In addition to your thoughts, here are some suggestions:

    First, determine what your intended audience needs to know to achieve their goals, and provide that information in a format that's meaningful to the recipient(s).

    Second, a good marketing automation platform should provide you with quantitative summary reports, so recapping those results in a standard way that makes for easy comparison from one "advisory" to the next would be important to your audience. Or, provide a link directly to a standardized summary if it's concise.

    Third, you might want to divide your advisory into separate sections -- one section for routine or repeating campaigns ("monthly newsletter") and one for dedicated, stand-alone campaigns ("new product launch").

    Above all, strive for brevity in language and specifics in numbers and dates.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Is there something you want your target audience to DO as a result of the "advisory," or is this just so they'll know that you are awake and on the job?

    If there IS something you want them to do, then I'd start with that goal in mind as you design the "advisory." Otherwise it's just nice-to-know information that distracts them from their work.

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