
Topic: Strategy

Poster Bikes

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
We run a street marketing service in the Bay Area- distributing flyers, posters and postcards and we are considering adding bikes with poster trailers.

The bikes pull a small trailer that has a two sided poster board standing vertical.

It would be mobile and travel throughout the city.

Does this seem like a service that would be of value?

David Alger
Thumbtack Bugle
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Ar we talking SF Bay Area? If so, likely it would. During the last boom, there were specially made trucks with billboards on the sides driving around. People found value to having those. Started seeing them coming back again now. Here is a link to a company that does it:

    One challenge is that where you could go is different than a truck, and the sign would be smaller. I'd stick to urban areas (where the truck goes on freeways). You could focus on finding advertisers who would want to focus on the tourist areas (Fisheman's Wharf, Embarcadero,etc.) or advertisers who want to show they are also green.

    Reminds me of a bunch of years ago - I was helping a friend run for a small local election on the Peninsula. I took a pair of his posters and attached them to a bike trailer and rode around his district. I did hear feedback that it was noticed (by his competitor), but in the end he did not win the election.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    David - why not simply test market the service? See if people notice, and the call-to-action on the signage works. If so, you've got something that's easily explained to be effective.

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