
Topic: Strategy

Stuck On Business Decision - Need Help

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I am undecided on what business I should choose.
Here is a bit a of history: I used to own House Cleaning Business, had two employees (friends) and made tons of money cleaning with them. Honestly despite the money I didn't enjoy the cleaning. I didn't have the brand, it was just another cleaning business. Forward 10 years I launched my green cleaning products brand PowClean. The category: World's Most Powerful Natural Cleaners. It is substantiated by the presence of phytoncides.....
To break through this market is extremely difficult, time consuming and expensive but possible. On the other hand there is another option of going back to opening a house cleaning business on the professional level with a brand of Powclean. This will allow me to use the products, promote them and build the fan base while having my employees clean. This is a much quicker way to break through the market and get noticed. The only issue is that going back to cleaning on the professional level takes a lot more than just cleaning: employees, office rent, marketing,....... and the desire (which I don't know I have) but again this is the only way to catapult the process. Any good suggestions? I am a good listener so any input will be highly appreciated. Almost forgot, to preview the products go to this the information website only. If I decide to go back to housecleaning then the website will have to be redesigned to accommodate house cleaning and maybe selling them online. Please advise. thank you all.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I can certainly understand your dilemma. You have defined a problem with two "bad" alternatives. It IS difficult to launch a consumer product; and there's no leverage in a cleaning service, and there are lots of management headaches.

    So what if you scrapped both ideas and opened up the world of other options? What else might you want to do?

    On matters like this, you need to trust your gut. And if your gut is saying no to both options, then maybe that's telling you something.
  • Posted on Member
    I question your assumption that having a cleaning business will open the market to your cleaning products. I do not see the connection.

    Giving your products to cleaning companies however may get you noticed. If your product is superior to others, then you may get some sales. If no sales after distributing samples, then you'll start to get your answer.

    Pragmatically, you need cash, and it won't be coming from the cleaning products anytime soon. Get a job. Any job, to keep gas in the tank while you drive around to market your product.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    You’ve already answered your question. You don’t really want to go back into the cleaning business.

    So, this is all about finding a way to go forward with your cleaning products brand. You’re in a competitive market, so you need to look for new ways to approach that market, and then make plans to implement. Here are a few ideas.

    1. Write a book or ebook called “How to Make Great Money Cleaning Houses (a proven approach),” then offer that as a premium to any cleaning service (no matter how small) that orders your products. For all the struggling cleaning services and wannabes out there (a big number), your bonus will be worth more than the product, making the product sale a slam-dunk. Make yourself something of a hero to those in the cleaning business.

    2. Along these lines, dedicated a chapter of your website (or create a blog) to helping people in the cleaning business do better. It’s a reason to be on your website where – obviously – your products are sold. Make your company a Force of Good for beleaguered home cleaners, an under-appreciated labor category who will welcome your help and recognition.

    3. Strike a deal if you can with cleaning organizations – at first city, then regional, and ultimately national maid services, janitorial services, property management organizations, etc. to use your product exclusively. You’ll probably have to pay a royalty or fee or percent of the sale to the organization, so don’t assume you should go in with your lowest price. Find out their terms first.

    4. Having done this, you can now approach retail stores with a much stronger story: “We’re already moving X-thousand units a month throughout the cleaning industry.” That’s a reason for Costco and Home Depot to talk to you.

    5. Supply a small card that cleaners everywhere can leave behind: “We cleaned today using PowClean, the world’s most powerful natural cleaners.” This helps the cleaning organization differentiate itself from competitors, even when the cleaning is by a janitorial or industrial service, and it gets you brand awareness among potential buyers even before your product is on store shelves.

    6. After you get an income stream, consider an infomercial or a TV sales organization such as QFC or Home Shopping Network. This kind of product can really do well in such settings and though you’ll give up a share of your profits, your brand awareness will increase dramatically. These sales forums are also a terrific way to educate the market about a product and create demand. Again, having a successful story to tell about sales to cleaners across the country, will really help get their attention.

    7. You might do all of this from the point of view of your exit plan -- build a brand that's worth something, and a bigger organization may buy the company from you. That's where the "real" money is.

    I hope these thoughts help you consider the direction you and your product might take. Good luck to you.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear peg, I can't thank you enough for your professional answer. This means a world to me. I will definitely follow your advise. Thank you so much again.

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