
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Plan

Posted by sama75 on 250 Points
How to make a good marketing plan?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    By clearly understanding who your clients are, their unmet needs, your differentiators, the value of your differentiators to them, and social proof of your offer.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Right product, offering the right solution, to the right buyers (the people with the greatest need for the solution you're offering), at the right time, and with the right message.

    Message value, relevance, salience, repetition, and delivery frequency. Know who you're talking to, know their problems, and talk to those people about the things that are important to them in a non-sales pitch way.
  • Posted by peg on Accepted
    Here are five good articles from Marketing Profs that can help you understand the elements of a successful marketing plan:

    Remember that the elements of a good marketing plan relate to the elements of its companion, the business plan. The two have to work hand-in-hand.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Your marketing plan should an objective and goals. Layout the techniques that you are going to use to achieve and also there should a budget on how much you want to apportion to each marketing strategy and technique.
  • Posted by kannanveeraiah on Accepted
    It is too general a question usually asked in the examination for students of marketing management.

    Like any planning, it is optimizing your available resources to achieve your marketing objectives / goals.

    So, you should know :

    a) What you want to achieve (market share, price, profitability..)?
    b) what are the resources you have?
    b) what you want to sell / market (products / services)?
    c) what are the limitations and what are the special attributes and merits of your products / services?
    d) who is your competition and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
    e) Where do you want to market (target market)?
    f) Geography you want to market, if any?


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