
Topic: Social Media

Monetizing On Government Support Websites

Posted by gcgserodio on 250 Points
I work for a company that offers transparency, accountability and general budget preparation services to governments around the world. It's a small company but we are growing and I would like to know how I can monetize on eventual post-implementation government support/services.
With this I mean, "how can I offer FREE support to citizens interested in using the solution/web-based suite we provide while monetizing that service (and how? AND from whom?)."
As my company ONLY works with governments, this would be a service offered to their citizens, not exactly future or prospective clients to the firm.
I am having some difficulties coming up with ways not only on how to capitalize on this extra service we would be providing but also on what this service might be (that would lead govs to pay that extra Pay-Per-Click cost - or something like that).

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    If you are offering a free service to a country's citizens, the monetizing could be coming from the government. They would pay you to set up the service for their citizens.

    An alternate option would be to put advertising on the page, so you draw money from advertisers who want to reach your users.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I think this is too vague/unclear for us to really be helpful. What exactly are you marketing and to whom? It's critically important to define the target audience (as specifically as possible) and the core benefit you provide for that audience.

    If you have more than one audience, then we need to deal with them one at a time. When you try to communicate multiple messages to multiple target audiences, it is almost always confusing for everyone -- and very inefficient marketing.
  • Posted by gcgserodio on Author
    I ALSO agree that the post is a bit vague, but that is exactly what the idea is. Let me try to rephrase it.

    My firm offers a software solution to governments. The software is implemented around the entire budgetary cycle (budget preparation, execution and reviewing) and the ultimate intended outcome is stalling corruption and increasing transparency around the entire process. All the budgetary alterations and decisions are posted LIVE online where everyone (citizens, NGOs, donors, etc) can access it and monitor it.

    Now what I am trying to figure out is what kind of extra post-implementation services could my firm offer to the governments that install this software. I am trying to increase our costumer support, reputation, increase lead generation to our website and even foster costumer innovation.

    THE PROBLEM HERE IS: citizens will come to the website to check on governance practices of their own government. But the citizens are NOT our clients (at least not directly as we only sell to their governments) even though they will be the main users of the website.
    (Our "eventual/prospective clients" would be other govs, consultancy firms, donors and international agencies that would eventually want to use the software.)

    THUS my question is how to market my product and offer additional services to the governments using our software, not only improving costumer support and assistance but also MONETIZING on the traffic the gov website would receive (for example, every time someone clicked the "help" button, or the "more info" one) due to our software solution.

    I apologize in advance as I KNOW this sounds vague and weird (monetizing from a client that is offering a civil service to its constituents) but THAT is the challenge and THAT is why i ranked this question as high as I could! :)

    Thank you all in advance!

  • Posted by gcgserodio on Author
    I would like to keep this question open for further responses but until now I had no useful response to what i know its a really difficult answer... (even though I really appreciate the interest of all)

    The website is telling me to post this online in order to get a reimbursement of my points and be able to post more questions.

    Please let me know if you think of something that would be applicable, as it would be of great help! and if u do i''ll post the Q again so that i can award ur answer with all the points!!! :)

    Thank you once again!

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