
Topic: Research/Metrics

Is This Valuable Data?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, I'm a senior data analyst, and am always on the lookout for new and interesting data sets. Recently I've been thinking about carparks (and street parking) and wondering if a survey of the makes and models of the cars in a certain carpark (or parking lot) would be of any value as market research? I mean when compared to a national average, you could determine if a higher proportion of vehicles parked at a location are 'prestige' , therefore their owners have a higher disposable income to spend at that location. I've been thinking of offering a service like this, do you think it would have any traction?
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Interesting thought....local is indeed important; the question is whether the carpark data would be better/different than other local data a business could gather. Alternatives are Census data, surveying the local businesses about their customers, online information (eg Autometrics knows how many people from a zipcode look for a particular car model online) etc. Key issues I would want to examine with the carpark data are:

    1) what is the correlation between expensive cars and high income to spend? It should be high, but is not perfect - is it better than other indicators?

    2) how easy and inexpensive is it to get good carpark data?
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    You might bounce the idea off agencies who sell space for sites for poster-based ads. It might be the sort of thing they collect already though.

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