
Topic: Strategy

Positioning A B2b Marketing Strategy Consultancy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all

I'm merging my b2b marketing strategy and branding strategy practice (clients are mainly technology and business services) with a market research company.

Ultimately, we will be delivering a standard marketing strategy process supported by solid market research.

Does anyone have ideas for:

1. How we might position ourselves?

2. How we might differentiate ourselves on something other than experience (because everyone does) e.g. perhaps in the way we deliver our services or similar?

Thanks for any ideas.

Kind regards

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Is the company site the same as in your profile?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    If I was looking for a consultant, I would want to know that they had done work similar to what I need for a company similar to mine. I would also want to know what the results were.

    For a strategy to accomplish this, you may want to consider focusing on a few industries or segments. Sounds like a focus around the industry you use to be in (the company you sold) may be easy to implement.

    To be able to show results, one of your tactics might be articles or case studies on your own customers.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Hygiene factor - never heard that term, but I think I know what you mean.

    Well, I suspect that asking this area (which has a lot of marketing consultants) about unoccupied space may not be the most effective route (though it is easy, so probably still worth doing). To find truly unoccupied space to target, you may need to use the market research abilities you have to see what potential customers need.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    You might want to use your market research connection to point to the fact that the best strategies address real and important consumer/customer needs. These are not always the obvious ones, and often the winning strategy is one that addresses a need that others have missed, that isn't the most obvious, that reflects a superior, or deeper, understanding of factors that bear on the purchase decision.

    What makes you different and better than others is that you've put your money where your mouth is -- on a structured way to understand latent and emerging customer/consumer needs BEFORE everyone else has identified them.

    Just a thought. Hope it helps.

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