
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Tools - Which Are The Best Ones

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hello to all...Recently i received a very nice tool for print planning, one nice exel form which made my work much easier..Does anyone knows some other tools which can be helpful in other marketing activities..For example..good done exel sheet for radio campain planning...or sponsoring..
My work is connected to insurance but is there some universal ones...
Thanks and good day...
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi better,

    well you could not have asked at a better time, because KHE is about to to have a new feature (i hope i am aloud to tell people about this, if not oh well it is is to late now). The new feature is a resourse library, which will have lots of sites and tool that experts on KHE recomend. It will be anounced in next weeks news letter.

    aaaaaany way have a look at they have some cool free marketing stuff. i have only used the free swot but the other free things sound good to me.

    You also might want to look at past news letters, as they have a feature called resourse of the week.

    also could you either email me a link or the copy of that excel sheet please. Just click my name. or you could post it to val so she could put it in the library Prefeably a link.

    have a nice day

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
  • Posted on Member
    I was looking for exactly the same thing you just described for print planning not a week ago. I never was able to find one I thought was much good.

    Would you mind sharing? get my e-mail in my profile

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