
Topic: Research/Metrics

Research Proposal Topic And Question

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need to submit a research proposal in 3 weeks time, but am stuck with what topic to write about. I was thinking of branding, but the topic is too broad, I can't come up with the right question. And at the same time am also thinking of customer satisfaction. Am interested with cocacola company. Could u please help me with suggestions?

Thank you
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Start with the objective of the research. What important question do you want to address? How will the results be used to facilitate a decision? What action will be triggered by the results of the research?

    If this is just research to prove that you can conduct research, then it doesn't matter what topic you select. Research is a tool ... like a screwdriver. Instead of showing that you know which end of the screwdriver to hold, figure out what you're trying to build or fix, and then select the right tool for that purpose.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the response. This is where am stuck, if I can come up with the objective, then I should think it would be easier. I have several topics to choose from, but what questions to address.
  • Posted by Konsulting Worx on Accepted
    Hey there Pac.. How are you.. nice to hear about your venture. well there are alot of research going on . but the hot research is regarding Social Network Marketing (i know u'll get A++)..SEO, Internet marketing companies, why internet is good for marketing space... coca cola is good but i think millions of people have done yet.. kinda old school. read daily internet news you can find alot. for research..
    Thank you need help just ping me..!!!
  • Posted on Author
    I quite like the idea of internet marketing, but will i have enough literature to research upon besides the daily internet news?
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hi Pac,

    I like the KW's idea of social media marketing, and believe you'll have plenty of literature - academic and business - to draw from. Here are a few questions:

    1) is it better to 'buy' fans on Facebook (like Starbucks does by giving away stuff) to let them come naturally (as Coke used to do - they know offer some free stuff and have the research to show these fans are less valuable than the for free fans)
    2) which if any of the social media metrics actually converts into sales for the company involved?

    Good luck
  • Posted on Member
    hi, am due to submit a research tittle in 5days, yet, i dont know what topic to choose, the point is am good with marketing but confuse on what topic to write on. could you help propose a couple of topics for me please.

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