
Topic: Research/Metrics

Facts/figures: Affiliate Marketing , For Biz Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
are there resources available to explore affiliate marketing programs that would provide facts and figures for a business plan? this is in regards to an online fashion platform that would click through to retailers with e-commerce.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    hi Lauren,

    can you be more specific? I do have general research about when affiliate marketing versus paid search or social media is more effective


  • Posted on Author
    (i hope i am replying in the correct box)


    thank so much for the help thus far. i want to find out if becoming an affiliate partner of, for example the gap who has ecommerce will generate a decent or any income for a fashion website i wish to create. (basically click thrus) i know its situational and varies from one potential affiliate partner to the next and dependent on the size of your audience. i feel its chicken and egg sort of, you''d like to have affiliates but need the audience first. i am of course open to any traffic promotion i.e social media, paid search also -just need some facst!

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