
Topic: Other

Have You Heard About Wazzub

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Wazzub is sharing 50% of there profits with pre-lanch members now i joined this community, i want to know if any one here know wazzub.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Fifty percent of profit of what? Which market, and who's this market serving? To solve what problem? At which price point? With what guarantee?
  • Posted on Author
    The profit with the earn bij advertisers on there community, like facebook. The solve no problem, they want to be better and bigger then facebook, thats why the share there profits with there pre lanchers. It's Free, you only must invite people also to join this network, it's 100% free for ever. You don't have any garentee. The market they are after is to serve the community to get everthing better how they want it to be. here is the url so you can look at the information they have and what they offer.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Wazzub is surely going viral...on 9th april they will launch the perfect homepage..all who signup before the launch day will receive pay checks forever sign up with this link..
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Sign up with this link? Why not simply tell us "This is a lame excuse to connect our offer with an established authority site in the hope of gaining SEO rankings."

    If a member of this forum posts a blatant self promotion link, they get all kinds of hassle. Why is this person permitted to promote this offer without getting themselves banned for life?
  • Posted by babbsela on Accepted
    This sounds like a purely promotional "question" and not a question at all. I'm always a bit leery of unknown parties who promise big returns to everyone who buys in on pre-launch, when they don't already have a track record elsewhere.

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