
Topic: Strategy

Opening Promotions For A Water Refilling Station

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hey guys!

I'm opening up a water filling station.
On the opening I will be doing promotions.
I was wondering if i should launch the promotions i have put up all together on the opening of the store or one by one by month. I want to gain loyal customers so I made some loyalty schemes
Please help me conceptualize more! Should I launch them one by one?

these are the promotions

Blockbuster Saver
Buy 3 refills of 5-gallon bottle for ₱100.00 only!

7 Plus 1 Refill
To show our appreciation to our loyal customers, Crystal Oasis launched its 7 plus 1. Simply collect 7 coupons and give them to our store staff and you’ll get 1 free refill!

Refer a friend and get a free refill
Being a Crystal Oasis customer has its rewards – like getting free stuff just for spreading the word on the vital importance of purified water to your families and friends. In fact, every time you refer a friend who purchases from us you get a free refill of 5-gallon purified water. Simply fill our form and we will contact them in a respectful way. Inquire now to redeem your gift.

All You Can Drink
Save big with our 'All You Can Drink' special, which includes up to 10 bottles delivered weekly including free use water dispenser. Inquire now for details and ordering information.
Relax while-u-wait.
Surf the internet free on us while you wait for your water. Just bring in your wireless laptop and get ready to surf. Check email, update website,.. anything is possible online…..
Free for customers. Please see manager for username and password. Enjoy!
Free water on your Birthday!
Register now and get a free refill on your Birthday!
Water Dealership Offer
Want to start a water refilling franchise but do not have the capital to start one?
Want to earn extra income from a low risk low capital business?
Want start your business with reputable and trusted water?
If you answered YES to all those questions, inquire and we will explain how.
Help ReCycle, We Refill
Bring At least 2 kilos of used 300ml -1 litter used bottles and get a free refill of 5-gallon of water.

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I would launch one by one. If you launch all at once, many of the offers would get lost in the commotion. But by doing them one by one, you can hopefully get more overall attention to your service.
  • Posted by Thorsten Strauss on Accepted
    Hello Crystal Oasis,

    Very simple. Imagine you are a customer. You might come across your offer / stand etc... because you planned it, maybe because of chance. What makes you buy?

    1) I need your product / services
    2) I always thought about it
    3) You created interest

    You offer three offers (more the mind can not keep). But VERY DIFFERENT offers. Targeted at your different groups. I assume it is commercial (large office), Small medium business and private. Adjust as you want. These are just examples.

    Make all offers only valid on the day of opening.

    Tell people that you will open with some great offers but they will not be available afterwards , so come by or visit online.

    A) "SWITCH TODAY" - Get a better deal (note: not cheaper) Make it irresistible to big players. Forget the price hunters who will drop you for a cent. Focus on the other big players. What do they want. Easier billing. Unique offer. Coupons for their employees. You know what really persuades them.

    B) "TEST IT"
    For all those not using it today but curious to test it.
    Make sure you invoice at full price and include "promotion rebate" or something on the invoice to reduce it. People need to perceive the value of your offer. Giving things away for free is lowering the perceived value.

    Here you can differentiate your business. You highlight the positive effects of your products, the ease of doing business with you and the quality of your service.

    Show that you donate to charity etc...
    (Connect with a water charity and see how you can connect your business in an affordable / tax write off way)


    Reward loyalty via loyalty bonus system.
    This is key for corporate players and big users. The more they buy, the more they save. They longer they are with you, the better the terms are. Be creative. Key is to make it a cost to switch to another suppliers. Even if the biggest thing about the loyalty program that you talk about it often and make them feel as if they would loose something. Points should be in the range of 1000 - 100,000 . Don;t make it 1 or 2 or 50 and don't make it millions either.

    Super sneaky idea: give the points to employees of your clients. They will go bananas if they change the program and they loose all their points. How that works and what you get for it is up to you.

    Deliver value and then some more.
    Free water for your birthday - that is much more valued when it comes without talking about it. There is no need to talk about things like that otherwise it is just a discount or reduction of price. Then you move towards low cost. But what you want is high customer connection.

    You want to reward those who bring in business. This is where you give a benefit to both the current and future client. I would focus a lot on referral business. Customers are your best sales people. Give them the material they need to win over friends. Info about why they should drink your water, how your service is working ,...lots of pictures. Plus a unique and limited time (make it 30 days) coupon on referral.

    You need to think about distribution and increase of water per unit of dispenser. All your campaign should be targeted towards that. "How much water should I drink" information material with all the benefits. Do not be too obvious about pushing the consumption. "Water & Office Yoga" - every little step counts. Stretch for 10 min and have 2 cups of water... You get my point.

    Good luck

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