
Topic: Research/Metrics

Seeking Market Research Mentor

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I am extremely passionate about market research and have worked in the field for about four years, currently as a project manager at a relatively small firm. I have a thirst for knowledge and dedicate a lot of time and energy to studying various on my own, yet I often have questions and have no one to turn to. I am looking for someone who is also passionate about the field and would enjoy passing along his or her knowledge and expertise to someone who is eager and excited to learn. Please contact me if you can help!
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  • Posted on Author

    I certainly didn't intend to give the impression that I "don't have the confidence to expanding my skills on my own." But I think most market research analysts would agree that there are times when it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of. I have learned a great deal in my short career and I enjoy sharing what I have learned with those entering the field. I would simply like to have a seasoned analyst to run statistical or methodological questions by. I am well aware of the MRA and Google. I am looking for a more personal connection.


  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Stacy,

    First, I suggest you approach Michael Goodman and Randall Montalbano (MONMARK) on this forum. Both HIGHLY experienced and in possession of vast amounts of knowledge.

    As for me? Well, I've done a smattering of research for questioners on (and for contributors to), this forum.

    Does this make me an "expert"?

    Nope. Not by a long chalk. Not even close.

    However, I'm happy to help you as and where I can, and to share what little I know. Feel free to contact me by clicking my name above.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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