
Topic: Strategy

Building Excitement At Rv Show!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My company is participating in an RV show/sale in 4 weeks and we are looking to draw as much attention and build as much excitement as possible in order to sell more RVs. Their will be dozens of other dealers at the show and we would like to differentiate ourselves. We have a comparatively poor location for your displayed units and our booth but still want to maximize our profits. Our budget is pretty low and we would like to stay away from giving out free items as there will be over 30,000 attendees at the show. We specialize in fifth wheel and travel trailer RVs and have a very strong customer base locally and on the internet. Our prices will sell the RVs for us but we need to draw attention to ourselves. WE WANT TO PERK INTEREST! Does anyone have any ideas for us? Thanks a ton!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If you don't have a budget, have poor location, and only a price differentiation, you need more people to find out about you. Can you shrink-wrap some of your RVs and have them driving around the show grounds before, during, and after the show? Basically, make your "imprint" more than your booth - make it the area around where people are going already. You might even extend the RV drive to be a free ferry service for people who are parked in remote locations. That way they can see for themselves what you're offering.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    sorry if I'm offending anyone... but young beautiful women in your booth will draw attention.
  • Posted by Moriarty on Accepted

    you say "a very strong customer base locally and on the internet" - - - USE THIS INFORMATION.

    Because you want to attract good customers (and forget the rest). Find out what your best customers LIKE. Use this heavily in all your promotions and it will differentiate you for them in no half-hearted manner. Spend everything you have on finding out what they like (do an email poll if necessary) and get the relevant graphics made up. It is the most effective advertising there is.

    You may not have the most crowded stall, you will make more sales from that small amount than by selling to everyone. Oh, and you will sell to the girls too; after all it isn't for nothing that they say that "Men look at women, and women look at women and children" (most of the rest are uninteresting ... !)

    Hope this helps. M
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I'm with telemoxie, "young beautiful women" in the "comparatively poor location" booth and walking the floor to get out amongst 'em.

    Years ago we used this tactic to launch C-CAN (Cable - Classified Advertisement Network) at the big cable industry show. Featuring two models dressed as french Can-Can girls with plenty of C-CAN promotional identity as part of their costumes. They walked the floor, meeting folks (including some women) and taking Polaroid pictures with them. Lastly, they would walk the folks back to the booth so they could enter a special drawing, and learn more about the new company. It worked, everybody remembered the Can-Can girls of C-CAN.

    I don't have enough information to know how this tactic could work for your show. Maybe the drawing could be for one of your products, e.g. a fifth wheel or??

    What do girls and RV's have in common - Bikini's and snow boots ...

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