
Topic: Research/Metrics

Estimating Total Usage Incidence From Samples

Posted by BizConsult on 1500 Points
I’m trying to use Excel to estimate total unique visitors and total 1, 2 and 3+ time users from three (non-exclusive) samples of varying size and %s. Then, after combining them, to estimate the same values from all three – an example follows:

Group #1:
Total count: 300,000
Sample available: 30,000
Sample Size % of Total: 10.0%

Similarly, groups 2 & 3 lay out the same way:
Group 2:
5,000 (total)
2,000 (sample)
40.0% (sample %)

Group 3:


Next, I use individual names to count duplicates within each group to get numbers like the following:

Group 1:
Uniques: 24,000
Single Use Sample: 20,000
Dual Use Sample: 3,000
3+ Use Sample: 1,000

…using the same layout for other groups:
Group 2:
1,150 (uniques)
1,000 (1x)
100 (2x)
50 (3+x)

Group 3:

Adding across the groups, provides an incorrect “additive total” as follows:

“Additive Total”:

If I actually combine the raw, individual name data from all three groups, I might get true, deduped total numbers like:

You’ll notice that the increased incidence of multi-use persons (versus the “additive total”) when combining the three different groups as some of the same users exist across the different groups. This, in turn, reduces the one-time use people and uniques relative to the “additive total” figures.

I point this out because the next step, and ultimate objective, is to estimate the uniques and single, dual and 3+ use for each of the groups individually and in total: Here again, I can’t use straight-line math to get to a total as when the quantities of users increase, the uniques and single-use persons will be reduced versus a linearly-estimated total.

As an example: I can’t take 24,000 uniques in the Group 1 sample and divide by the 10% sample size to get an estimated 240,000 total uniques as many of the sampled uniques would show up again if we actually had the full roster of 300,000 Group 1 people; the real uniques value, from the full data set, might be 180,000 or 210,000.

Similarly, when combining the samples across groups, I can’t apply the 12% factor to the combined total sample uniques of 30,900 to get an estimated total of 253,821 as the multi-use counts would increase, decreasing the uniques and one-time use individuals.

So that was a long, but (hopefully) illustrative, way of getting to the question of “What’s an Excel formula that can be applied to the individual sample groups, and to the combined sample totals, to estimate the full data set values?"

It's worth noting that sample sizes might vary from 10-100% in the groups and across different sets of other groups of users that I need to compare to. The bottom line is I need estimates for this set of groups, and several other varied sets of groups so I can compare the absolute, estimated uniques, 1, 2 and 3+ numbers across the sets.

Thanks for your help!
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  • Posted by BizConsult on Author
    MONMARK - if you'd do your OWN homework you'd see I'm far from a're completely wrong.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    This looks like A Project (not just quick advice).

    There was a page on this site to post project information so the consultants here could make a bid, but I can't find it. Moderators please help, where is the project page/link on the NEW SITE?
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    @SteveByrne: It looks like the "Hire an Expert" section has disappeared. My guess is that it wasn't used much and took up valuable real estate. Not a huge loss in the scheme of things, but now we'll have to suggest other alternatives when we want to redirect someone to a project approach.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Thanks Michael, that's what I suspected and now it's confirmed. So it becomes an opportunity for some marketing planning ... problem solving for an alternative ... discovering what the MP readership thinks and would like to see developed. Planning, it always comes back to good planning.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    @Steve and others: I have the domain name, and I'm not using it. If you want to replace Hire an Expert with a similar service, you're welcome to the domain name.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Carrie, thanks for the update. Let me know if I can help in anyway.

    Michael, very interesting ... I'll have to give this some thought.
  • Posted by BizConsult on Author
    For anyone interested in responding to the query - it's still open!

    For current respondents:

    Gary: Were you referring to that linked site as a general resource (thanks - was not aware of that one) or is there a specific portion that you thought was pertinent? (There was a lot on the landing page and I didn't identify the specific section that might directly apply).

    Others: I apologize if I misconstrued the purpose and function of this site - I used it to help others and share ideas ( least until our spam filters removed the daily questions I used to get via email...) but from the sounds of it, many others seem to use it more as a project generation tool. I have to admit that I find it somewhat puzzling, amusing and ironic though that - for a query about an Excel formula - what one person thinks is a student's homework question, others perceive as a fee-based consultant project!
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    As a general resource.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Steve Udell (BizConsult),

    Speaking for myself, there is no clearly defined line between providing a quick response to a post and referring it as a fee-based project. Generally speaking if I can quickly provide useful information (in 5-15 minutes), then I'm in. If I deem it will require a longer time investment, then there are additional considerations, e.g. how much I know about the subject, if it's for small business verses a corporate giant, etc.

    I'm sure others here (including you as a MP member will think differently. I hope you find the answer you are seeking.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Totally agree with you on the juxtaposition of a formula-seeking question being basic enough to be homework yet complicated enough to be worthy of a paid project – pretty funny! Since people are unable or unwilling to answer this, I’d suggest posting it to an Excel-focused site, where people routinely answer questions for free, like:

    Good luck!
  • Posted by BizConsult on Author

    Good advice - I was in the process of posting to one of those just a few minutes ago and did one yesterday! Think there are several paid sites too...

  • Posted by BizConsult on Author
    Due to lack of activity I'm assuming no one is able to address this - if you can solve it, glad to give you the points too!

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